Blessed Are The Weird

The Mystic and writer see the world through different eyes.

My BFF and I have been friends over 50 years. Pre-kindergarten, it was like we were somehow intricately connected. Always the one to make me laugh, and me always the organized, analytical one to keep her focused and on track. We created a balance. But, one thing we had in common, we were both weird!

We wore it/wear it like a badge of honor. With her whacky and wild ideas and my free spirit, we never had a concern for what others thought about us. Classmates aware we share some life long, bizarre, unspoken language.

Weirdness a trait so finely honed as a child thanks to her friendship, it was unquestionably a characteristic to be passed on to my children.

Frequent words to my oldest son, who like me, stood out from his peers not just in physical stature, but in aptitude and awareness, “Don’t live your life worrying about what others think of you.” As he matured, he listened to his inner guide and set the bar high for weirdness in the family.

His brothers, not to be outdone, tried to match, and then surpass, the example older brother had set. The youngest coming along 9 years later, completely redefining the word. He gave it a whole new meaning that we all experienced with amazement.

My sons now adults, they thank me for instilling the “weird” trait in them.

My oldest, sending a priceless hand written letter a year ago when we both decided to make audition tapes for the TV show Survivor. Thanking me, and telling me, that his life is filled with so much more fun living with a mindset of indifference towards others thoughts and a freedom to be his true inner self.

My middle son, texting a month ago, something humorous and strange, commented on “being weird.” Interesting to me, as I had just journaled that same thought about myself.

A day later, synchronicity brings this book into my life, Blessed are the Weird: A Manifesto for Creatives by Jacob Nordby. It was like the book was speaking to my soul!

In maneuvering his website, I came upon Jacob’s beatitudes for the weird. Inspired by a list of great and wonderful people. I instantly made them my new creed for life.

Life is far to short to care about what others think. Each day we are living and breathing on this planet is a gift.

So, I choose to live my life with the “boldness that shatters ancient fears”, the “intensity of life’s pain and pleasure”, and the “unlimited amounts of unbridled expressions of love”, for I have certainly “endured breaking by life” that have created “resplendent cracks through which the light shines.”

The crazy wild woman within has been too reserved for far too long as she raised her children, now with only my daughter left in the house, its time to make sure she embraces her crazy!! Moving forward, sharing my kind of weird, because within it exists the “freedom for which the world is unconsciously begging.”

For that is my role as her mother … and Revolution Begins With Me.

Free yourself today to embrace your weird and crazy!


Death and Rebirth

Just like the cycling of the seasons, with the coming of autumn, if we are wise, we are continuously experiencing death and rebirth.. As the trees release this year’s leaves and fall to the ground, so we should be shedding that which no longer works for us.

Pulling inward with the winter to reflect and take inventory; What is it you really want to be doing with your life? What is it you want to share with the world? What mark do you want to leave behind? How do you want to be remembered?

We have but one life. Carpe Diem. Why not live it to the fullest and become the best version of you that is possible. Drop fear to the side. Do the things your heart has always wanted to do. And, if you haven’t taken the time to ask your heart what it truly wants to do, the time is now to have that conversation.

We are currently in a time of chaos and unrest. But, that time is ending. This is a time of great transition. The paradigm we have been living in is collapsing. A portal is being opened to a new dimension. A more loving peace filled way of life is evolving.

It is time to look inside and discover who we truly are. Time to ignite the spirits we have allowed to shrivel and shrink within us. It is now time to illuminate. Be a conscious part of the historic evolution that is underway.

Drop the negative thoughts, the doubtful reasons why you don’t do what it is you love. Discover, or rediscover, that which brings your heart and soul joy. Find your passion, big or small. Then, go out and experience it. Experience it to it’s fullest. Be in the moment. Feel the light inside begin to shine as you honor your deeper self.

In honoring that deeper part of you, the part that makes you unique, the part that has to offer something vastly different from others, you allow your light to shine. And, in allowing your light to shine, you help give others the ability to find theirs and do the same.

It’s time to do that deep work of shedding our useless layers. Time to let them fall like the autumn leaves. Then, to experience the rebirth that is to follow. Time to illuminate your world. Let your light shine as bright as God/The Universe meant it to shine.

As for me, I continue to evolve. Caring less each day what others think and more how I can make my Light the brightest I can. I feel my layers falling to the side daily. Waking up to a new and more passionate person every morning. Excited to see what comes next. Excited to see what miracle happens today …for I know, the Revolution Begins With Me

Setting my sights high!

Come to Life

You are bringing yourself to life now and this is how it must be. Of course, something being essential doesn’t mean it will always be easy. You must support yourself and have courage during this process.

Beneath habitual thoughts there is a deep sensual creative and energetic awakening happening to you. It is far beyond what the mind is now capable of controlling. Others might not like it because it shakes things up… (Truth) However, it is happening now and the only real choice you have to make is how to deal with it.

Coming to life means feeling. It might bring joy but it could equally bring sadness, rage or fear. It could bring all of these and more. Feelings will come and go quite swiftly when allowed to flow. You might need to paint, write, enact ritual, sing or dance your feelings to help the energy flow. Don’t hold back. … In this process you are uncovering the artistry of the universal creator. You are honoring the sacredness of life by exploring it without restraint and that includes the flow of your feelings.

Learning how to access your feelings allows you to learn how to access your intuition, creative inspiration, and genuine internal guidance.

You are one of the sacred but powerful minority that have chosen to come into a body and live consciously within it. (Amen) … Fortunately, this minority is powerful enough that it can keep human culture in balance. But only just! We need every single one of us that is capable. to be aware of the task and move beyond the mind and into the body.

You can support your own process by scheduling time for yourself and keeping to it like you would the most important date with destiny! So get to writing in your journal. Do your dances. Paint your pictures. Create you creations. Be kind to your body, listen to it and let it be alive.

The message …. “Be Alive!” … There is no falling back into old ways. … There is another adventure awaiting you now. You need a deeper connection to your own instincts, body, feelings, and intuitions so that you can receive this new calling. You can trust in it, too. Embrace it and it will embrace you.

Alana Fairchild – Mystic, Healer, Creative Spiritual Educator

Alana has such wisdom and spiritual awareness in her work. She encourages each of us to find the best most sacred versions of ourselves. It is in the transformation that the world will find its way back to its most sacred path.

I for one continue on this journey … For the Revolution Begins With Me

Undefining Me

Up early and down by the firepit in my Mystical Forest a few mornings ago, enjoying the dance of the seasons Missouri lovingly shares. I found myself pondering, “What is my purpose?” “What are my intentions?”

Shedding any use of labels to define myself, 15 years ago, when I left the inhumanity of what nursing was in Oklahoma. I spent many years in flux.

Being a society, a nation that more than ever has gone to characterizing individuals with labels. Not just words that delineate how people spend the majority of their time, but in the last 10 years, more than ever, mainstream media and Hollywood pushing the agenda of hate-filled labels.

I personally have no use for them. I find them self-limiting. People, over the years trying to define me; my children’s mother (fill in the blank, any one of four), a fitness fanatic, a hippie, (one I laugh at, especially after this year with the pandemic and enormous amounts of people returning to the country, and to the earth, to become more self-sustaining. I guess they all became hippies too.), and the one title I wear with tremendous pride, “just plain weird.”

Raised in a small, mostly Catholic community, the mind set was very narrow, most especially that of my birth mother and her rather large family. It was actually my free-spirited father, who likewise never fit into this community, that I was given the vision to look through a different lens.

Becoming aware when we moved to the hills outside Jefferson City, when my now 33 year old son was 2, and curious beyond all imaginable measures, we are born with a unique spirit. Each of us given a vastly distinct purpose before birth.

Walking the hills near our rural home, pushing my inquisitive toddler in his stroller, the shackles and chains imposed on me by my mother and her family, and the Catholic school and church, were finally released. I realized there was enormous untapped potential that lay within.

I was to spend the next decade exploring that potential as I nurtured not only my oldest high-spirited son, delving into his many gifts and talents, but also the addition of his two younger brothers, beginning to explore theirs as well.

A nurturer and healer at heart, at this point, also one by profession, as I began my career as a critical care nurse. I worked intensive care, running the gamut of health related maladies and life threatening traumas. What I viewed daily kept me keenly aware of living in the moment and that my time with them was temporary.

Being an incredibly intuitive, empathic person, I didn’t parent with a “cookie cutter” mentality, nor did I try to relive my childhood through them. Instead, I gave each of them attention where they needed it, including my now 14 year old daughter. They each had completely different personalities, therefore, completely different life purposes

I would/do tell them, “Be yourself! I can’t tell you who that is, but I will help you as much as I can to discover it.” My most important intention to instill in them being, “Have integrity!”

My many years of nursing had taught me innumerable valuable lessons. One of them being, your status and your wealth will one day mean nothing. If you can stand solid and strong in who you are, you will be able to withstand any storm. Thus far, the people they have become, they’ve proven my concept inherently accurate.

As my long, immensely rewarding decades of parenting children under the age of 18 gracefully eases into its final years, with the assistance of the pandemic allowing me to pull even deeper inward, I remain constant in my dynamic state. Undefinable, but ever moving towards a better version of myself. Searching even more closely for God’s/the Universe’s larger life’s purpose.

My challenge to all … Put down the labels! They are so self-limiting. For yourself, and for others around you. Put worry and fear aside! Open your hearts!

It is certain change is at our door. Help promote that change in an upward trend. It’s through broadening the expanse of our minds, our possibilities, that this country will turn back in a more positive curative direction.

I for one, know I will remain undefinable. I will keep evolving into the best version of me. Now more than ever, I know it’s a necessity … for the Revolution Begins With Me.