A Celebration of Me

Early birthday/Christmas celebration in Mexico.

A being of light, a mystic, and a powerful empath, living in a false paradigm that has been massively destructive to Mother Earth and nature, its been hard to ever feel as if I’ve belonged. But with the dawning of 2020, and the culmination of decades of evil finally very outwardly making itself known, I vow to never again hide in the shadows.

As perhaps the best year of my life comes to an end, I acknowledge all that life has thrown my way and the beauty and wisdom now being bestowed upon me.

I embrace ALL that God has created me to be, for He has done so with grand purpose. Age irrelevant to me, I celebrate the process, like that of a fine wine.

Life begins a new! Cheers!

Put behind me are all concerns of what anyone else might ever think of me. The superficial judgments because most are only capable of seeing what is on the surface. The opinions of people who would rather have my Light turned off than discover with me the beauty that likewise lies within themselves, are cast to the side.

I embrace the donning of the next year knowing that with each day life will only become more glorious. That beauty and splendor will continue to be shared with me in the incredible odyssey God has planned.

I will begin each day LIVING IN THE MOMENT. Eyes wide open to experience each new facet of this extraordinary life in this extraordinary time of living.

I set an intention, with a calm heart and a gentle mind, to appreciate not only the big milestone moments, but also the magnificence in all the simple things about life that typically get overlooked.

I open my heart to the passion that lies within, and in doing so, return to the person I once was, in sharing the compassion it longs to share.

I open my mind wider to all the truths and wisdom of Reality and the Higher consciousness of living. Closing any avenues that would otherwise allow the propaganda and brainwashing by the controlling forces entry. Refusing to be affected by the fear-based living desired from the powerful elitists.

Perhaps most significantly, I open my soul to the light that lies within, giving it permission to shine brighter than it ever has. All barriers removed to God’s power that lives deep in my soul. Embracing the strongest aspect of my human self that has struggled so hard to find a place in this world.

I grant myself permission to end the last half of my life honoring all aspects of my being, but most importantly my soul, and letting it shine as brightly as humanly possible.

In doing all of this, I invite every being I encounter, in person or in written word, to do the same. To embrace ALL that they are. To go within to the deep scarey, yet profoundly rewarding aspects of self, tapping into the tremendous gifts and energy of human potential. Allowing transcendence of the false paradigm that holds humanity captive.

I encourage each and ever person looking for a better world to live in, a more sustainable planet to pass on to those who come after us, to look closely at their beliefs. To open their minds to the possibility that they have been living in the world’s largest lie, all in the guise to suppress the tremendous potential that exists within each and everyone of us. To discover the planet’s largest untapped natural resource, the God given gifts we each possess.

I celebrate my day of birth not only for me, but for the wish and desire that all of humanity discover their potential that will offer to them a more powerful and fulfilling way of life. Because…Revolution Begins With Me.
