It’s The Small Things

Thank you to my 1st 100!! And all others that will follow!

In reference to the title of a blog post from earlier today, celebrating a small success here on WordPress.

After approximately 2 months of consistent blogging, minus my 10 day hiatus for our unforgettable fabulous recent vacation to Xcaret, Mexico, today brought me my 100th follower.

Shout out to Edge of Humanity Magazine, for allowing me my mile stone. Appropriate and fitting title to the world I see around me and the message I want to share.

Edited version from my initial post as another mile stone was met. 😁🥰

I anticipate the amazing connection to fellow bloggers and beyond to only grow exponentially in the months and years ahead.

A big thank you to all who are already following. Each and everyone of your blogs and stories brings a new facet to this writer’s dimension.

Namaste and One Love to all!

Intuitive Astrology: Scorpio Super New Moon November 2020

by Tanaaz

scorpio new moon astrology 2020

Into the watery depths we go with the third and final Super New Moon of the year. Falling in the sign of Scorpio on November 14-15, this New Moon is going to be deeply emotional but also deeply healing.

Whatever needs to come to the surface, especially on an emotional level is going to be stirred within us. We are going to feel the rainbow of emotions that make us human. The rainbow of emotions that in many ways, are our birthright.

We come to this planet to feel. We come into these bodies for a human journey in order to experience the array of emotions that are possible. It is through these emotions that art is created, that truths are revealed, that awakenings happen, and that love can bloom.

Under the dark night of the Scorpio New Moon, we are being guided to sit with ourselves and all of our emotions.

We are being guided to allow the deepest of fears, loves, hopes, and dreams, to rise up from the pit of our belly, up and out into a new space of awareness.

It is our duty to sit with our thoughts and feelings as they arise, from a place of non-judgment. It is our job to recognize that we are not our feelings or our thoughts, we are the ones experiencing them.

Lean into that idea a little longer – you are not your emotions, you are simply the one that is experiencing them.

Your emotions, your thoughts, your story, are not who you are. They are simply the cloak that you wear as you travel from room to room on this journey called life.

As we enter the darker depths of the murky Scorpio waters, it may not feel comfortable, but it is indeed, necessary.

Sometimes we have to do what is uncomfortable, sometimes we have to face whatever is lurking within the shadows of our own fears and doubts. For when we do, we gain so much.

In those moments of wading through what is uncomfortable; when we realize and see fully and wholly our greatest pains, we gain a strength and a wisdom.

This strength, this wisdom is something that only comes when we have found the courage and determination to face up to our greatest wounds and struggles.

The healing is never complete from the darkness, it is something we carry with us on this journey home. But, when we look at it, when we face it, when we hold it and acknowledge it, that is when we can start to rise above it.

Scorpio is represented by the Scorpion but also the Phoenix. Both the Scorpion and the Phoenix have the same ability to transform. The Scorpion sheds its skin, the Phoenix learns how to rise from the ashes.

Both of these creatures hold within them the power to completely rebirth themselves, no matter what the past has brought their way.

The past has brought so much our way. We are all facing our own struggles, fear, uncertainty, and instability. 2020 has changed so many things.

But under the message of this Moon, we are reminded that it is always within our strength and power to rise again when the time is right.

We are reminded that even when things burn to ashes and crumble around us, even when things in our lives are shedding and we can’t recognize ourselves in the mirror, that this is all part of the great cycle of death and rebirth.

We die and we are reborn so many times on this life journey, so allow this New Moon to show you the way through your own metamorphosis.

Allow it to remind you how far you have become. Allow it to give you hope for the opportunities that are to come.

While this New Moon carries some deep and sobering energy, it is also beautifully aspected with the planet Jupiter.

Jupiter is known for allowing us to see the silver lining in things. It shines rays of hope and positivity our way.

It allows us to hold the sunshine within our heart and to remember that there is always a higher plan unfolding.

Jupiter gives us the ability to see things from a wider perspective. Its energy allows us to break free of our limitations and fixed mindset, and to soar above it all where we can see how every action and every event is always leading us to where we need to be.

Even if we can’t see the full journey, or understand the full extent of what is happening around us, there is energy on offer under this New Moon that beckons us to remember that things are always changing and transforming, and while we may not have control over it all, we do have control over how we choose to show up, react, and respond.

So, as you sit with any heavy or fragile emotions that are stirred. As you sit with all you are feeling and try to bring acceptance, remember- this too shall pass.

Try to focus on that which you can control, and keep your vision set to a bird’s eye perspective. Try to see beyond the fixed limitations of today, and try to imagine where it can lead us tomorrow and for the future.

When we detach and zoom out, we can see that everything has its rightful place in this Universe.

Copyright 2020 Forever Conscious

11/11: The Awakening

For several decades now, numbers have carried much meaning for me. It all started when a good friend of mine, a Physician’s Assistant who worked in the liver transplant program at the time, introduced me to the concept. He was a Vietnam Veteran, serving as a combat medic.

Eleven was his number. Anytime we seen the time, 11:11 on a clock he would comment, “Your angels are watching you!”

Not liking when my birthday is, falling right next to Christmas, and getting frequently overlooked, he told me back then he was going to “change” it, and make my new one “11/11”. Holding great significance for him because its Veteran’s Day, and because its his number.

Both of us very spiritual people, over the years, I started to notice the significance in this number. When it started appearing, it would usually do so consecutively. And, it was always during a time when there was some sort of major shift or transformation happening in my life.

A couple years ago, I noticed the fact that people in increasing numbers were starting to pay attention to my number “11”. More and more frequently, I seen the acknowledgement to the purpose of numbers spiritually. The Awakening that I had always knew was coming began to accelerate.

So, today, beyond recognizing our veterans, and thanking them for their service, I also want to acknowledge, and bring attention to the number 11, and what it’s meaning is in the spirit world.

Eleven is probably the most talked about number in the angel realm. It is usually the number seen most often as people begin to awaken to the higher purpose of numbers in our lives. There is great reason for this, as number 11 is one of the most profound messages that can be sent to us from our angels.

Eleven is the number of faith and is widely related to psychic and prophetic abilities. It is the gateway to enlightenment. Usually why this is the first number people start to acknowledge as their higher self is awakening. Seeing the number 11 with frequency usually means you are starting to find alignment with your more higher self and with higher realms

The number 11 is the number that represents our intuition. To see not just with our eyes, but with our senses and our soul.

The frequency of 11 is about beginnings, taking the initiative, believing in yourself and accepting a leadership role in which you step out ahead of the curve, beyond the consciousness of those around you. Guiding the the human race forward into love. (Alana Fairchild: Lightworker Oracle Guidebook)

The number 11 is associated with spiritual awareness. It brings visionary leadership and necessary changes in demanding situations. This number includes the search for solutions through visions and purposes.

Angel number 11 also represents “transformation” through intuition, truth, balance, and mental abilities. People with this number in their birthdate are unusual, charismatic, idealistic, visionaries that are drawn by something unknown and unresolved.

People who have eleven for their number are usually deep thinkers, interested in many of life’s great mysteries and other interesting and spiritual aspects of life. Their inventive minds and broad-minded views will allow them to succeed in life in any number of ventures. They can best serve the community, with honest compassion.

Number 11 represents an instinctive person and is the most intuitive of all angel numbers. It signifies an connection to the subconscious, sixth sense and knowledge without rationality.

So, if you often see a series of numbers 11,111,1111, there’s a reason for that, and you should be fortunate to experience the sight. The most common way for angels to communicate with us is through the universal language of numbers and music.

When you see this numerical string of angel numbers, it means that you are going through the cycle of expressions of your hidden thoughts, ideas, and desires that are manifested instantaneously. This series can mean a new beginning for you and will give a positive focus on what you want to create.

If you are seeing this number, or because today is 11/11, it’s time to set an intention and begin to manifest. You just need to focus on your desires instead of your fears. Therefore, possibilities will come your way instead of obstacles. You just need to accept them as gifts.

Secret messages are all around us if we only open our eyes. Once you do, the mystical realm of angel numbers, and the other ways our angels communicate with us, will start to increase. Start following their guide, and more and more magick will be brought into your domain. The power of manifesting. That’s how it works.

Enjoy the magick of 11/11! Namaste.

Notes taken from ANGEL NUMBERS:

Trust In The Plan

Spiritual Warriors Arise!

I’m not afraid to die. Especially not for my country.

A near death incident January 7th, 2005, I was given the option of crossing over, or staying on the planet, 100% committed to sharing my story and following God’s plan. I made my choice.

I had just turned 40, was the mother of 3 sons, the oldest a senior, the youngest in 3rd grade with a young life of severe behavior problems, and unknown to me, soon to be pregnant with my only daughter.

My life was in a million little pieces and I was suffering more pain than mentally, emotionally, and spiritually comprehensible.

I had already been through a lot. Divorce. Isolation from people who called themselves family. Becoming ill with what western medicine physicians called “chronic fatigue” (being a nurse and being tenacious I knew there was a different cause.) Later to learn and be treated for severe mercury poisoning by an alternative medicine DO. The suicide of my father, the only person in my life I could always count on, when I was 29 and finishing my last year of nursing school.

I was strong, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. and physically. Getting into body building at age 26 as a way to help eleviate the symptoms from my then undiagnosed heavy metal poisoning. I knew who I was and what I was made of.

So at this point, finding myself, the Phoenix, in ashes on the ground, I knew I could and I would rise stronger and more powerful than ever before. 100% certain of that because this time I let God do the leading.

I’ve spent the last 15 years healing my family, healing myself, and moving towards “THAT DAY”. “THAT DAY” when I would be asked to take the next steps to move out and share my message with the world.

Last year as my eldest 2 sons continued to impress me, not only with the success in their careers, (both finishing top of their class, going on to become engineers working in the computer/ technology world) but as strong confident men who gave back to the world around them. My youngest son, the one whose pre-kindergarten principal kicked him out of school and told me he “would be in an institution by the time he’s 15,” graduated from Navy bootcamp at the age of 23. Not just graduated though, but graduated top 3% out of over 1000 sailors. Proving not just to me, but most importantly to himself, what he is made of. (Having already had to jump through 6 months of hoops to even qualify for the Navy.)

I knew my time was at hand. My sons were all in amazing places. God was preparing me for my next steps. A fall and winter spent with glorious opportunities coming my way.

Then CoVid hit. And, as the rest of the country/ world went into a state of fear, a state of unrest, and panic, I continued to flourish. Knowing God had purposefully had me go through MY hard times so I would be ready for now.

The destruction of our country to a new level beginning in my home state of Minnesota. Parts of the rioting and burning happening near the hospital I used to work at.

A best friend, in the thick of the riots the first week as the local fire marshal and emergency Red Cross responder. Other friends living or working in the parts of the city being burned. All of it just confirming, MY time is near.

I had left the life of consumerism and avarice, returning to an “unplugged” version of living. And, I have been awake and watching the last 20 years as our country has been dismantled from the inside.

I have been waiting for THIS DAY because I knew it was coming. I sit in the solitude of my Oasis,, unaffected on a daily basis by what is happening out there, wondering how this will all play out.

For one thing is certain, we’re NEVER going back to what we were. The other thing that is certain, Americans’ lives are going to get a whole lot worse before they start to get better.

I sit in my Mystical Forest preparing for what is to come. Preparing to be “called” up to do my part to defend my country.

Hard times are here. Fortunately, I have had the foresight to raise and prepare my family on all levels. We are the warriors. And, I for one am ready to defend. Ready to die for my country because … The Revolution Begins With Me.