Come to Life

You are bringing yourself to life now and this is how it must be. Of course, something being essential doesn’t mean it will always be easy. You must support yourself and have courage during this process.

Beneath habitual thoughts there is a deep sensual creative and energetic awakening happening to you. It is far beyond what the mind is now capable of controlling. Others might not like it because it shakes things up… (Truth) However, it is happening now and the only real choice you have to make is how to deal with it.

Coming to life means feeling. It might bring joy but it could equally bring sadness, rage or fear. It could bring all of these and more. Feelings will come and go quite swiftly when allowed to flow. You might need to paint, write, enact ritual, sing or dance your feelings to help the energy flow. Don’t hold back. … In this process you are uncovering the artistry of the universal creator. You are honoring the sacredness of life by exploring it without restraint and that includes the flow of your feelings.

Learning how to access your feelings allows you to learn how to access your intuition, creative inspiration, and genuine internal guidance.

You are one of the sacred but powerful minority that have chosen to come into a body and live consciously within it. (Amen) … Fortunately, this minority is powerful enough that it can keep human culture in balance. But only just! We need every single one of us that is capable. to be aware of the task and move beyond the mind and into the body.

You can support your own process by scheduling time for yourself and keeping to it like you would the most important date with destiny! So get to writing in your journal. Do your dances. Paint your pictures. Create you creations. Be kind to your body, listen to it and let it be alive.

The message …. “Be Alive!” … There is no falling back into old ways. … There is another adventure awaiting you now. You need a deeper connection to your own instincts, body, feelings, and intuitions so that you can receive this new calling. You can trust in it, too. Embrace it and it will embrace you.

Alana Fairchild – Mystic, Healer, Creative Spiritual Educator

Alana has such wisdom and spiritual awareness in her work. She encourages each of us to find the best most sacred versions of ourselves. It is in the transformation that the world will find its way back to its most sacred path.

I for one continue on this journey … For the Revolution Begins With Me

Sacred Fool

(Words for the Sacred Rebel in ALL of us. Sacred Rebels question the way things have to be. They dare to dream of a healthier world based more in love than fear. Sacred rebels believe in love and defy those that say, “You need to live in the real world!” Sacred rebels are living in the real world. Theirs is a world of love, possibility, individuality, and freedom. Sacred rebels refuse to be put down by those who ae frightened of being truly alive.)

The fool is a great rebel, able to thwart convention, and tell the truth without restraint. Your heart is a wonderful, powerful, sacred fool! It cares not for the right way to do things. It cares not for what the mind says is real and not real. It lives according to an inner wisdom that cannot be dictated to or controlled by anything! It loves, it lives, it is what it is!

“Don’t try to be appropriate, don’t try to be socially acceptable and worry about what others may think about what you are doing- just be.”

The sacred fool in you is willing to leave behind what has been because it no longer feels right to stay attached to it. The sacred fool in you trusts life completely.

It recognized the mind as a monkey puppet on strings. More often than not, it is cajoled into fear when it could be playfully dwelling in the radical spontaneity of life. So, the sacred fool in you urges your mind to let itself be pulled into joy by your heart strings, not into fear and doubt by the controlling machines of mass media.

… a message. It’s time for you to play. It’s time for you to let life happen in a completely unreserved, unscripted way, the more bizarre, left of field, unexpected and apparently ridiculous the better. (My childhood bestie and I apparently have always known this! Lol!) That might not feel safe or appropriate at first. That is okay. That is actually a good sign that you are breaking with your own self-imposed conventions. It is time to move beyond them now because a bigger life adventure is calling you.

This is wonderful news. It is the desire of life to operate more radically through you so that you become the conduit through which miracles and crazy wild synchronicity can occur. (My last couple years! Fabulous opportunities presenting themselves. And, best part, it is only the beginning of what the Universe has planned We all have the potential to have this!) You are more electric. You are more plugged into the apparent randomness of life.

If you find yourself making choices that have others questioning your sanity, then you are on the right course. (Guess I must have always been then. Lol) You are just approaching enlightened awareness. There is a moment – … – when we wake up to life, shed our attachment to mass opinion and float in a completely different state of being.

You will eventually see that you are becoming sane in am insane world. (Amen!) The table will turn and you will gain great inner freedom and creative juice. Stay on your path, stay on your journey, remember to take nothing too seriously and it will all work out perfectly.

Alana Fairchild – Mystic, Healer, Creative Spiritual Educator

Dare to embrace the Sacred Fool within! I do … for the Revolution Begins With Me

Our Time Is Now!

Calling all mystics, lightworkers, healers, and sages, OUR TIME IS NOW!

We were born with a deeper connection to Mother Earth, a deeper KNOWING. Many of you, like me, have gone through a series of hardship and tribulation. Feeling like an alien, compared to the masses. Those times were our tests. Training for this day at hand. Opportunities to discover your own unique gifts.

Always knowing there was a deeper purpose for your life. Possessing a deeper awareness of the Life, of the Universe. A spiritual connection, that most have abandoned in search of materialism and ego status. Living in a false paradigm, you sensed your life was meant for so much more.

Many of you, over the years uncovering and honing in on and perfecting the Magick you possess within, some of you just beginning to discover your gifts.

For me, it was an awakening in nature over 30 years ago, after moving to the hilly countryside outside of Missouri’s capital city, pushing my infant son up and down rocky steep terrain, in his Graco stroller, long before jogger strollers were even a thing.

A very profound connection to Gaia was discovered, one I was aware of raised in central rural Minnesota, but one that lay dormant for several years after I left home for college.

Over 3 decades ago now, my life committed to following that calling, very consciously embarking on “the road less traveled.”

Life bringing many obstacles my way: the suicide of my father, a mysterious illness, ultimately diagnosed as severe mercury poisoning, separation and eventually divorce of my first husband (3 sons later), and my darkest most challenging times, moving to a dark, backwards part of our country, and being submerged in a world of ignorance, a world I could not comprehend.

Upon finally getting out, remarrying, and giving birth to my daughter at age 41, I was more certain than ever, my life held a much larger, deeper purpose.

By this time, I was well aware I was a healer, a mystic, an empath. I knew I possessed strong powerful gifts as I seen similar ones being displayed in my sons – sons I lovingly and knowingly called my “warriors”. Each of them possessing their own unique gifts, their own Magick.

My youngest son having gone through the most difficult, most challenging times from the age of three. Fighting against conforming to our society’s ways, especially during our “sentence” in the backwards state, the result, over fifteen years of duress.

I had always told him though, a woman of visions, a gift I strongly and firmly believed in by that point, “We will be rising as everyone else is falling.” Together we will rise higher than either of us could ever imagine.”

I sit in Pensacola, FL as I write this, at his wife’s apartment. Now a sailor at the Pensacola Naval Air Station, a select aircrew member. Last year having to jump through major hoops at the age of 23, to even be able to be accepted into the Navy because of his prior history, (I never had a doubt he would make it though!). Once waivered in, being chosen as part of the select 61st Cardinal Division in St. Louis, MO.

He has spent his life writing his own script, following his own inner voice. Never conforming, always honoring his spirit. Last year, ending in the marriage to his beautiful wife, now awaiting the birth of their first child.

Winter/spring of 2020, NEVER would I have imagined the words of my vision to be SO LITERAL. “We will be rising when everyone else is falling. …” The whole planet suddenly in the midst of an abrupt battle against a silent killer. Suddenly, the majority of the planet submerged into the unknown of an enormous liminal space.

Mystics, lightworkers, healers, and sages, we all knew – we all felt in our souls – that a time like this was drawing nearer and nearer.

After watching our planet spiral deeper and deeper into the destruction of “Western civilization” and the ruination related to subversive consumerism and egotism, this is the opportunity for the Universe to elevate into a state of higher consciousness. Snap the masses out of their lulled reverie, and bit by bit, begin to take our planet back.

We each know our gifts. We each know our Magick. We know what we were brought to this planet to do. It’s time to put them to use and do it. It’s time to open our hearts even wider. Expand our minds even greater. Elevate our souls even higher. This is not to be a time of fear, but a time for hope.

Great, wonderful, beautiful hope.

As for me, I know I’ve been patiently waiting for my time – and my time is now! I will do all I can on my part to generate permanent loving and planet healing change – FOR THE REVOLUTION BEGINS WITH ME.
