Come to Life

You are bringing yourself to life now and this is how it must be. Of course, something being essential doesn’t mean it will always be easy. You must support yourself and have courage during this process.

Beneath habitual thoughts there is a deep sensual creative and energetic awakening happening to you. It is far beyond what the mind is now capable of controlling. Others might not like it because it shakes things up… (Truth) However, it is happening now and the only real choice you have to make is how to deal with it.

Coming to life means feeling. It might bring joy but it could equally bring sadness, rage or fear. It could bring all of these and more. Feelings will come and go quite swiftly when allowed to flow. You might need to paint, write, enact ritual, sing or dance your feelings to help the energy flow. Don’t hold back. … In this process you are uncovering the artistry of the universal creator. You are honoring the sacredness of life by exploring it without restraint and that includes the flow of your feelings.

Learning how to access your feelings allows you to learn how to access your intuition, creative inspiration, and genuine internal guidance.

You are one of the sacred but powerful minority that have chosen to come into a body and live consciously within it. (Amen) … Fortunately, this minority is powerful enough that it can keep human culture in balance. But only just! We need every single one of us that is capable. to be aware of the task and move beyond the mind and into the body.

You can support your own process by scheduling time for yourself and keeping to it like you would the most important date with destiny! So get to writing in your journal. Do your dances. Paint your pictures. Create you creations. Be kind to your body, listen to it and let it be alive.

The message …. “Be Alive!” … There is no falling back into old ways. … There is another adventure awaiting you now. You need a deeper connection to your own instincts, body, feelings, and intuitions so that you can receive this new calling. You can trust in it, too. Embrace it and it will embrace you.

Alana Fairchild – Mystic, Healer, Creative Spiritual Educator

Alana has such wisdom and spiritual awareness in her work. She encourages each of us to find the best most sacred versions of ourselves. It is in the transformation that the world will find its way back to its most sacred path.

I for one continue on this journey … For the Revolution Begins With Me

A Place of Gratitude

(What are you grateful for today?)

Another morning waking up and feeling extremely grateful for all that life/God has blessed me with. A moment to reflect:

I am grateful for my bed and the early morning moments of laying in it and hugging my pillows.

I am grateful for the world of white I see on the autumn trees outside my window.

I am grateful for the fire casting warmth in the fireplace downstairs.

I am grateful for a fresh cup of coffee.

I am grateful for our 4 furry friends waiting by their food bowls, (most quietly, 1 not. Lol)

I am grateful for my husband who works so hard and spends long hours away from home to allow me to appreciate the things I am grateful for.

I am grateful for my amazing family and all my wonderful friends.

I am grateful for Jen and the laughter she fills my life with, for she is one of a kind, and deserves her own line.

I am grateful for my health and that of my family.

I am grateful for the crow of our roosters outside my door and the flock of hens keeping warm in their coop.

I am grateful my 14 year old daughter who has transitioned into homeschool as dedicated and motivated as she is.

I am grateful for ALL of my sons (& the women in their lives) and the fabulousness they bring to the world.

I am grateful for my daughter’s musical talents and all the delightful sounds of instruments she brings to our home.

I am grateful I have a gym that is open and doesn’t require you to wear masks to work out.

Most importantly, I am grateful for God and His grace, and all that He has given me, and all that he has planned for me in my years ahead. … For Revolution Begins With Me.

What are you grateful for today?

Sacred Fool

(Words for the Sacred Rebel in ALL of us. Sacred Rebels question the way things have to be. They dare to dream of a healthier world based more in love than fear. Sacred rebels believe in love and defy those that say, “You need to live in the real world!” Sacred rebels are living in the real world. Theirs is a world of love, possibility, individuality, and freedom. Sacred rebels refuse to be put down by those who ae frightened of being truly alive.)

The fool is a great rebel, able to thwart convention, and tell the truth without restraint. Your heart is a wonderful, powerful, sacred fool! It cares not for the right way to do things. It cares not for what the mind says is real and not real. It lives according to an inner wisdom that cannot be dictated to or controlled by anything! It loves, it lives, it is what it is!

“Don’t try to be appropriate, don’t try to be socially acceptable and worry about what others may think about what you are doing- just be.”

The sacred fool in you is willing to leave behind what has been because it no longer feels right to stay attached to it. The sacred fool in you trusts life completely.

It recognized the mind as a monkey puppet on strings. More often than not, it is cajoled into fear when it could be playfully dwelling in the radical spontaneity of life. So, the sacred fool in you urges your mind to let itself be pulled into joy by your heart strings, not into fear and doubt by the controlling machines of mass media.

… a message. It’s time for you to play. It’s time for you to let life happen in a completely unreserved, unscripted way, the more bizarre, left of field, unexpected and apparently ridiculous the better. (My childhood bestie and I apparently have always known this! Lol!) That might not feel safe or appropriate at first. That is okay. That is actually a good sign that you are breaking with your own self-imposed conventions. It is time to move beyond them now because a bigger life adventure is calling you.

This is wonderful news. It is the desire of life to operate more radically through you so that you become the conduit through which miracles and crazy wild synchronicity can occur. (My last couple years! Fabulous opportunities presenting themselves. And, best part, it is only the beginning of what the Universe has planned We all have the potential to have this!) You are more electric. You are more plugged into the apparent randomness of life.

If you find yourself making choices that have others questioning your sanity, then you are on the right course. (Guess I must have always been then. Lol) You are just approaching enlightened awareness. There is a moment – … – when we wake up to life, shed our attachment to mass opinion and float in a completely different state of being.

You will eventually see that you are becoming sane in am insane world. (Amen!) The table will turn and you will gain great inner freedom and creative juice. Stay on your path, stay on your journey, remember to take nothing too seriously and it will all work out perfectly.

Alana Fairchild – Mystic, Healer, Creative Spiritual Educator

Dare to embrace the Sacred Fool within! I do … for the Revolution Begins With Me

The Power of Your Inner Voice

The United States of America is on a rapid downward spiral and I for one am not going to sit back and watch it happen. A healer, a mystic, and a visionary, I accepted my place several decades ago as a one day voice for an impending REVOLUTION.

Research and facts of the reality of what has been happening in my country for the expanse of my 55 years of life were readily discovered when I dare to begin listening to the voice within and start questioning some of the “storylines” mainstream media feeds us.

It was the Spirit of 1776 that allowed our founding fathers to win the Revolutionary War. It was the spirit and will of the people that garnered a win and put an end to slavery during the Civil War. Likewise, with Martin Luther King and countless others during the Civil Right’s movement.

That spirit has gotten lost somewhere in time. Rediscovery of our spirits is imminent!

I spent last winter not only reading and digesting my favorite yogi, Seane Corn’s new book, The Revolution of the Soul, but allowing the process of deep healing to occur.

As Sean thoroughly explains, the pain and trauma from our lifetime is deeply embedded in our muscles and tissues. Through the practice of yoga, the various asanas, those emotions are allowed to be brought to the surface, with introspective work we can allow those scars to heal and be released forever, freeing up a new expanse of energy for our souls to find new life.

I came out of what turned into a highly transformative winter through this process. I had myself aligned with the Universe, the Divine, my God. Feeling more strength, confidence, and courage than ever before in my life, yet knowing it was only the beginning.

When the Corona virus hit and our planet was basically shut down, there was surprise, but no amazement for me. Most importantly, there was no fear. I was perhaps more excited that the ignorance and complacency of the vast majority was finally going to be challenged. People were going to have to stop “partying”, start to open their eyes, and finally begin to question the truth about the country they live in.

These emotion only accelerated when the rioting began with the death of George Floyd on May 25th, 2020. Hitting particularly close to my heart, a Minnesota native, hearing first hand accounts as the Twin Cities was looted and burned. The revolution I knew was impending had been launched. Not the violent revolution, but the revolution of the soul.

Safely tucked away in my country oasis several states away, I submerged myself in the splendor and glory of Mother Earth. Enjoying perhaps the best summer of my life, knowing that my hard inner work had been done. Knowing that although difficult times lay ahead for our country as a whole, the mindfulness I had stayed focused on would keep me and my family from experiencing the pain of what others were just beginning to feel.

The battle ground is heating up as election day nears, the most significant election of my lifetime by far. Perhaps the most significant election since the days of the Civil War. I have done and continue to do my part to prepare for the possibilities of what is to come. Historical times sit on our front porch. It is up to each and every one of us to seriously hone in on that voice within. Time to get right with ourselves, our God, and the world around us.

I said decades ago, battle lines had been drawn and people needed to pick a side. That battle early this year finally made itself obviously known. Right now only beginning to build in intensity. The question remains, what part will you play? I know my answer, I chose to be a bright Light, for the Revolution Begins With Me.


I’m saying good-bye to…. a decade of watching my boys turn into men, into true spiritual warriors.  A decade of giving life to a beautiful angel and watching her grow.  A decade of allowing the little girl within me to go to the light.  A decade of releasing the anger so the passion could return.  A decade of fighting for the return of my spirit and my freedom.

I am reclaiming my voice.  For only in bringing the truth out of the shadows will this planet find its way back to a more natural and benevolent universe.  I am reclaiming the light God placed within me so it will shine bright like a beacon for all those lost, hurting, or longing for a more peaceful world.

This is my return to love.  For only through love will we reclaim the supreme strength and energy our Greater Power has placed within us.  I am ready to stand tall, proud, and confident for I am a child of God and with God there is no fear.  There is only love.

This is my Becoming.  The Revolution begins with me.