The Simple Things

Finding my daughter’s hibiscus plant with not only an open flower, but with two more buds ready to soon blossom, and one bud on one of my larger plants doing the same, it truly made me stop to acknowledge the beauty of the simple things in life.

The hibiscus one of my favorite flowers, always thriving in Missouri summers, I wasn’t even sure this plant would survive, bringing it in a bit too late, removed from a spring project we created together.

The frost having already arrived this fall before I got it transplanted. Most of the leaves damaged by the cold. Placing it in our big open south facing living room windows. It has thrived with a bit of TLC and water.

Lingering in the after glow of our trip to Mexico. Pondering on the wonderful Mexican people we met throughout, and the happiness that was infused within all whom I met. Living much simpler lives than most Americans, yet so much more at peace and filled with true joy.

It got me reflecting on an all time favorite quote from Henry David Thoreau, one I acknowledge in the first chapter of my book, The Advocate, as it was a quote that inspired me to take the “Road less traveled” and live from a similar life’s perspective, while following the guidance of Frost’s words in his infamous poem.

“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. … I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life.” Thoreau

Time, most especially this year, has made me realize I truly have lived a life far off of the beaten path. One that at times was difficult, not so much in my sacrifices, but with my mind’s comparisons to others.

Watching my children as they grew. Knowing they knew their lives were much different than most. Yet, knowing deep in my heart and soul that one day they would appreciate the way they were raised and acknowledge, that yes, perhaps their dear old mom did know best.

Those days have arrived, as they mature into fine young adults because of my choices. I sit back and look more at my life for a change. Acknowledging my kindred connection to Thoreau and the fact in many ways, I have become the new age version of the words he once professed.

Living simply doesn’t mean living with less. It means living more deeply with the important facets of life not being those of material means. But rather, the beauty and splendor of what Mother Earth has to offer.

Sunrise over the Caribbean. Best part of the day.

The energy created, the life generated, when we nurture her splendor and beauty, as opposed to stripping and depleting her of natural resources for our own selfish wasteful material desires.

I have never been embarrassed by the way I live, but I have been very conscious of the way others would look down on me, and my family, thinking they somehow lived a more fulfilling life. This year, especially though, I embrace that part of me with even more vigor.

I embrace life with a more abundant bouquet of energy. And, I celebrate my experiences as I take my enjoyment of the simple things Mother Earth continues to bless me with during all the seasons of the year, and all the seasons of my life.

My yoga kitty Ozzy! Constant reminder to find your bliss in every minute.

I give thanks to my kindred brother Thoreau, for educating me on the important tenets of life at such a young age, and for the rewards it has allowed me to reap along the way, with the truly big harvest soon to come.

I open a door to sharing with others. Encouragement. Guidance. Support. In educating, that there is a much better way to live than chasing the almighty dollar and the materialism and endless consumerism that comes with it, leaving one feeling empty and unfulfilled at the end of the day, at the end of one’s life.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Mother Earth’s magic everywhere.

The pendulum is swinging back to the more simpler ways of living. I smile and thank God for giving me the foresight to be aware of what I had so many decades ago. Here to be a Light for others as the old paradigm begins to collapse in upon itself and a new one begins to open. A much more loving and peace-filled world awaits up ahead.

My life’s purpose to be a bridge to help other’s cross because … Revolution Begins With Me.


Blessed Are The Weird

The Mystic and writer see the world through different eyes.

My BFF and I have been friends over 50 years. Pre-kindergarten, it was like we were somehow intricately connected. Always the one to make me laugh, and me always the organized, analytical one to keep her focused and on track. We created a balance. But, one thing we had in common, we were both weird!

We wore it/wear it like a badge of honor. With her whacky and wild ideas and my free spirit, we never had a concern for what others thought about us. Classmates aware we share some life long, bizarre, unspoken language.

Weirdness a trait so finely honed as a child thanks to her friendship, it was unquestionably a characteristic to be passed on to my children.

Frequent words to my oldest son, who like me, stood out from his peers not just in physical stature, but in aptitude and awareness, “Don’t live your life worrying about what others think of you.” As he matured, he listened to his inner guide and set the bar high for weirdness in the family.

His brothers, not to be outdone, tried to match, and then surpass, the example older brother had set. The youngest coming along 9 years later, completely redefining the word. He gave it a whole new meaning that we all experienced with amazement.

My sons now adults, they thank me for instilling the “weird” trait in them.

My oldest, sending a priceless hand written letter a year ago when we both decided to make audition tapes for the TV show Survivor. Thanking me, and telling me, that his life is filled with so much more fun living with a mindset of indifference towards others thoughts and a freedom to be his true inner self.

My middle son, texting a month ago, something humorous and strange, commented on “being weird.” Interesting to me, as I had just journaled that same thought about myself.

A day later, synchronicity brings this book into my life, Blessed are the Weird: A Manifesto for Creatives by Jacob Nordby. It was like the book was speaking to my soul!

In maneuvering his website, I came upon Jacob’s beatitudes for the weird. Inspired by a list of great and wonderful people. I instantly made them my new creed for life.

Life is far to short to care about what others think. Each day we are living and breathing on this planet is a gift.

So, I choose to live my life with the “boldness that shatters ancient fears”, the “intensity of life’s pain and pleasure”, and the “unlimited amounts of unbridled expressions of love”, for I have certainly “endured breaking by life” that have created “resplendent cracks through which the light shines.”

The crazy wild woman within has been too reserved for far too long as she raised her children, now with only my daughter left in the house, its time to make sure she embraces her crazy!! Moving forward, sharing my kind of weird, because within it exists the “freedom for which the world is unconsciously begging.”

For that is my role as her mother … and Revolution Begins With Me.

Free yourself today to embrace your weird and crazy!


Anxiety…Got Me On The Run!

The clock is ticking down to what is certain to be the epic climax, not only to what has been the most fabulous year for me personally, but also one of the most memorable moments for any mother.

My eldest son, and his fiancĂ©, who live in Hollywood, (not in the profession-but perfect place for my one time thespian son to find himself) and whom I very seldom get to see, (going on three years now), have their rescheduled wedding planned for December 11th, in Excaret, Mexico.(Fingers crossed it doesn’t get cancelled again.)

I should be excited, overjoyed, elated, but instead, the last week I find myself each morning running from, at times, the most suffocating sensation of anxiety.

One time, never an emotion I ever even experienced, free spirit open and uninhibited to all challenges. After my six year “sentence,” otherwise known as my life in Oklahoma City, and all the stress and trauma that was inflicted, from the nursing profession, but also because of the issues and behaviors I was dealing with from my youngest son at the time, it became an immobilizing sentiment.

Fifteen years to heal and move past what I thought was all of it, clearing my psyche of so much negative baggage, these moments are taking me quite by surprise. Each moment, this sensation in the pit of my chest trying to choke me of life. Rob me of the enjoyment of anticipation.

I know this is the last go round though. I know once I make it through this, that chapter of my life will be closed forever. Moving on to much more beautiful and creative times, way beyond my wildest imagination.

The key now though, … is getting there.

A little more than three weeks to go! Departure date, December 9th, approaching quickly. Suitcase on the spare bed, already starting to be packed. I am trying to alleviate any last minute flare ups by being as prepared as I can be.

Once I’m there, I know it will be one of the most fabulous moments of my lifetime. Spent with my daughter, who is traveling with me, and one of my other sons and his girlfriend. The other son in the Navy, unable to get away. Five days with my family on the Gulf of Mexico, in the most glorious setting, participating in my eldest son’s wedding, sure to be magickal.

My primary goal at hand is to keep my nerves calm and my mind at ease. My plan of action, be at peace. Live in the moment.

I have made arrangements for care of all of the animals in our Oasis. Have plans to stay with my stepson and wife near the airport the night before. Checked and rechecked my flight schedule and baggage and covid restrictions. Everything that physically needs to be done is taken care of.

Beyond that, start my day with meditation and prayer.

Write every morning, either in my journal, or in my blog. Keeps my nerves calm.

Don’t place unnecessary expectations on myself. Do only that which absolutely needs to be done. Don’t procrastinate in doing it.

Eat as healthy and “clean” as I can. Which to me means no caffeine, (gave up my daily cup of coffee last week), cut out all sugar, and no alcohol. Also, drink my daily intake of water-at least 8 cups.

Pay attention to the world around me. And enjoy the beauty in nature. I type this as I watch two white tailed deer leaping up the hill behind my now bare Mystical Forest. There to perhaps remind me to be gentle and kind not only to others, but perhaps more importantly, to myself.

Exercise daily. Typically meaning to get to the gym to lift weights. But, yoga, and cardio are thrown in the mix as well. Usually everyday. Usually in a varied combination, including a walk through our Oasis when the weather is permissive.

Be creative. Do the things that bring me joy, whether it is cooking or cross-stitch, late fall garden work, decorating the house for the holidays. All the things that inspire and uplift.

In other words, Nurture my mind, body, and soul in all ways I know how.

This will pass, and on the other side, I will have grown stronger and my soul will be even more at peace. Best of all, I will be sitting on the white sandy beaches of southeast Mexico, thanking God for all the beautiful blessings be has bestowed upon me.

For I don’t need to be perfect. I am human, my range of emotions making it so. I will be as kind and as loving as I can be to all, most especially myself. For I know, life is one crazy magickal ride, and I need to make the most of it because … The Revolution Begins With Me.

Death and Rebirth

Just like the cycling of the seasons, with the coming of autumn, if we are wise, we are continuously experiencing death and rebirth.. As the trees release this year’s leaves and fall to the ground, so we should be shedding that which no longer works for us.

Pulling inward with the winter to reflect and take inventory; What is it you really want to be doing with your life? What is it you want to share with the world? What mark do you want to leave behind? How do you want to be remembered?

We have but one life. Carpe Diem. Why not live it to the fullest and become the best version of you that is possible. Drop fear to the side. Do the things your heart has always wanted to do. And, if you haven’t taken the time to ask your heart what it truly wants to do, the time is now to have that conversation.

We are currently in a time of chaos and unrest. But, that time is ending. This is a time of great transition. The paradigm we have been living in is collapsing. A portal is being opened to a new dimension. A more loving peace filled way of life is evolving.

It is time to look inside and discover who we truly are. Time to ignite the spirits we have allowed to shrivel and shrink within us. It is now time to illuminate. Be a conscious part of the historic evolution that is underway.

Drop the negative thoughts, the doubtful reasons why you don’t do what it is you love. Discover, or rediscover, that which brings your heart and soul joy. Find your passion, big or small. Then, go out and experience it. Experience it to it’s fullest. Be in the moment. Feel the light inside begin to shine as you honor your deeper self.

In honoring that deeper part of you, the part that makes you unique, the part that has to offer something vastly different from others, you allow your light to shine. And, in allowing your light to shine, you help give others the ability to find theirs and do the same.

It’s time to do that deep work of shedding our useless layers. Time to let them fall like the autumn leaves. Then, to experience the rebirth that is to follow. Time to illuminate your world. Let your light shine as bright as God/The Universe meant it to shine.

As for me, I continue to evolve. Caring less each day what others think and more how I can make my Light the brightest I can. I feel my layers falling to the side daily. Waking up to a new and more passionate person every morning. Excited to see what comes next. Excited to see what miracle happens today …for I know, the Revolution Begins With Me

Setting my sights high!