Reclaiming Humanity

This weekend, I ran across something I had scribbled in the back of the book The Beginning is Here 2013! back in 2012 when I first read it. A book that is a compendium of wide ranging views about the end of the Mayan calendar in 2012, relating to prophecies and associated physical changes of Earth’s structure.

Many believed during that time, that the onset of 2013 would be the physical end of our existence. But, when the year came and went, and we didn’t all get raptured, or disintegrate, life went right on accelerating at an increasing warp speed with burgeoning detriment. The masses asleep and oblivious. Unaware of the deep rooted decay occurring not only to the planet, but more importantly to the people inhabiting it.

My words back then:

Inner peace does not exist. There’s constant struggle with doing more, being better, consuming more. When does it stop? When is enough, enough? I guess we’re going to discover, not as a solitary decadent country, but as unified planet falling to our demise.

The question is, how do we respond? Do we react out of fear? Or, do we dig down deep within our individual selves, put aside our vices and addictions, to uncover our true potential, our sacred selves?

… The time is now, if we haven’t already, to make that decision of who we are, and how we will react. It is time to wake our spirits up!

Almost a decade later, that time is now! The time for people to start to feel again. To go deep within. Begin to experience those sensations, called emotions, that arise when we let them. Commence to get in touch with those parts of our hearts and souls that are the component that make us human.

For far too long, Americans, and western civilization, have been unaware or nonreactive to the world’s downward spiral. Lives accelerating at a faster and faster pace. Pushing to advance on the next wrung of the ladder, accumulating excessive wealth and materialism. All at the expense of not only our planet, but perhaps, more importantly, of our own humanity.

That paradigm is ending now though. With evil people doing even more and more evil things as the masses grazed in the fields, it looks like I have my answer to what it would take. The Wuhan virus literally bringing the planet to a stand still, to a halt.

Truth is hard to take. Especially when we’ve allowed ourselves to go so far astray. But, it’s time we man and woman up! It’s time we stop “the party”, (Well, actually “the party” has been stopped for us.) It’s time we step out of our numbed down place of arrested development and start reclaiming that which truly makes us human. Our emotions.

We have souls, each and everyone of us, which have been waiting quietly and patiently. Souls that contain immense fire, raging passion. But, we have allowed them to be buried in the deepest part of our psyche. It’s time for a little excavating.

Once we begin to go to that place. Once we put our egos aside and allow ourselves to feel a bit vulnerable, buried treasures will begin to be exposed. Each layer we allow ourselves to chisel away and remove, richer and richer gems will be unearthed. The brilliant jewels we have been searching heedlessly to find, will come to the surface, and we will begin to realize that which we have been searching for has always been so very close.

Just like Dorothy, in the Wizard of Oz, that which she had sought out along the dark and twisting yellow brick road, had been inside her all that time.

It is time we reclaim humanity. It is time we get up off our bottoms and actually do something to make a difference and recover the life blood of our beings. Find that heart felt excitement back, feel passion again, experience love of life and love of nature, but perhaps even more importantly, love of self.

I know I have. Because for me, a free spirit, that was the only choice. Living an emotionless, numbed down life, was not an option.

It took dredging through the muck and mire of all the pain God wanted me to endure, so that I could grow. So I could open up even bigger. Getting to the other side where I could reclaim my soul, so that I could be the Light for others, to help them do the same.

Why? Because Revolution Begins With Me.
