Meet Our Newest Family Member! Apollo!!!

Though written several seasons ago, this was never published. Today seems like a perfect time to do so. Ten months in, Apollo has been the best addition to our family during this crazy time to be alive!! He brings us CONSTANT HAPPINESS!! And already has created many beautiful memories with us.

We met this little nugget and his siblings over the Christmas Holidays!! Sis decided this was the one for her!!! A long awaited for Christmas present (14 years of wanting….)

Meet Apollo!!! The one new constant in my world that I find changing rapidly more and more each day.

Apollo was one of a litter of seven. Two females and 5 males. (Never dawned on me until just now that minus one of the females, that would be my children. Our combined family, mine, yours, and ours…. Five sons, one daughter.)

His mother, Zoey, belonging to my son and his girlfriend that live in Wisconsin. His girlfriend, and her identical twin, both veterinarians. Both own and breed Golden Retreivers. We knew puppies were expected around Thanksgiving, but we never imagined we were going to own one.

After the excitement of the delivery, Ryan, my son text if we wanted one. My immediate response was “No” because being a dog owner never seemed like it fit our schedule. The responsibility and their extra needs, compared to our 3 cats, or our 2 geckos, and even our 21 chickens. But…. after giving it a bit of thought … it seemed that actually, this would be the perfect time to have a puppy.

So, post-Mexico trip, we had the excitement of knowing we would have a family of puppies in our home for the Christmas holidays, and Sis would get to have first pick on the males for her Christmas present. Her best Christmas present ever!!

But, everyday Apollo is there to love us and bring excitement and joy. So, I thought it would be perfect to share that love with everyone in my blogging community. Because love and joy are where the answers will be found moving forward.

He officially became part of the family January 22nd when we brought him home from Madison, WI with us.

Excitement in our house every day now. New trips to part of the area we have never explored before and new things to be learning from our new friend everyday! the dynamics in our home changed forever.

I haven’t felt like blogging as my being feels in a kaleidoscope of energy. Mixing and remixing with new pictures being made everyday, but the image not necessarily staying for any longer than that. Transformation through the paradigm shift certainly underway.

Some of his first steps were in the backyard in the snow, so he loved it when a few days in we got a decent snow in Missouri.

Favorite Winter spot after playing in the snow!
Golden Magic ALL AROUND!! Mom, sister Evie, and their Golden friends!!
Apollo had his own vacation in June when Sis & I took a cross country tour across the western US after saying goodbye to my son and his wife moving to London, England.
Apollo likes to make friends with anyone and anything!
His HAPPY PLACE!!! just like me!!
Perfect breed for my water loving daughter! Many wonderful memories this summer at the lake!

Wishing all good health and much wisdom to maneuver through the darkest times this country has seen since her birth in 1776. Spoiler alert! God’s side wins, but MUCH TO ENDURE before then!!

Much love and peace. The Revolution Begins With Me.

I Gave My Word!

It’s in lending a helping hand…and your own hard work… that those who want to make it to the top will.

I’ve been on a small hiatus. The paradigm shift powerfully underway. The energy constantly changing. I feel like a different better version of me, almost minute to minute, growing stronger and closer to God every day.


In saying that, I want to share a video I found on a new blogger friend’s website. Kevy Michaels Seasons As My Teacher. Check out his site! Great things to be discovered! Seasons As My Teacher – Kevy Michaels


Transformation underway on a massive scale. This time for many of us, a time to pull inward, to reassess. Be diligent about the energy we allow into our lives. For me, if it’s not of an extremely high vibration….it has no purpose in my life. If it wasn’t already gone, it is now.

Deep heart healing underway!!! Funny how I can think the pain has ALL found its way to the top and out…when more hurt and trauma from even deeper within surfaces. That has been my last 2 weeks.

I have a sense its been many people’s as our country was blanketed in the coldest, longest stretches of winter we’ve endured for awhile. (The 1st time I’ve ever felt like I was in my home state of Minnesota during a winter in Missouri. Below 0 temps for almost 2 weeks. Several snowstorms.)

February a time when the veil between the physical and spiritual planes is thinner. Always a deep painful month for me, but with great rewards when spring arrives and a new version of self evolves.

Sensing this year, millions of people are experiencing this…maybe for the first time. It’s the deep painful work we as a country have been avoiding. Not much choice about it now. You either go down with the ship or heal yourself so that you’re allowed to rise above the chaos that is becoming our everyday life.

More of a ramble today. Try and clear my brain. (A bit under the weather though, so may not be as productive with that as I’d like. Definitely a detox yoga day!)

I keep inching on down the road. Big things to come. I GAVE MY WORD…SO I’M GOING TO DO IT! because revolution begins with me.

Much love and positive energy to all of you out there!!

Spiritual Awakening Of The Earth

There comes a time in the life of a people, when what has gone before must give way to the new, and what has been thought of as a way of life and a standard for defining the normalcy of days, must adapt itself to a new current of light and life that now enters the picture. Such is the time for America today and, indeed, for the world, for the old ways of doing things are about to give way before a new consciousness that shall envelop both the nation and the world. This new consciousness will shine a light more brightly than ever before on the internal mechanisms by which people think, feel, and make choices in their everyday lives. All that is hidden from the eyes of others will become known to the self, and the motives that are less than desirable will also become visible to the illuminated awareness.

This greater consciousness is meant to be a great gift, though it brings with it the problem of having to finally deal with those things that one would rather have concealed from the self or put away until such time as it seemed more comfortable to take them out. Nevertheless, awakening consciousness to the true nature of the self is of great and priceless benefit, for it enables each soul to finally become free of all that holds it back from realizing its true potential. For this self-constriction is not based on circumstances that flow through life and come and go, but rather on the inner nature of deeply held thought and belief which define the expectancies and the fruits of a life. These are the building blocks out of which the flow of life is created.

In the present moment, the movement toward greater visibility of self is still quietly moving along subtle channels, creating little disturbance of the inner landscape. It is still not being perceived as the wave of change that it is, and only some who are more sensitive to the ebbs and flows of thought and feeling, or those who are suddenly having to deal with stronger surges of darkness and negativity are becoming aware of what this wave is bringing. Yet, within a short space of time, many more will become aware of the things that have been hidden and will need to know what to do with all the levels of thought and feeling that suddenly become part of everyday awareness.

For this understanding to root itself in the place where healing and transformation can occur, it is necessary that God enter the picture. For the phenomenon of illuminated awareness is not caused by the self, nor by any motives that reside within, nor by any external circumstance. Rather the phenomenon of awakening is caused by Divine timing and ordination which has finally moved to sound the call for humanity’s movement forward, and to shine the light of truth into the domain of ordinary consciousness. This is the time of the great purification for mankind, and for the letting go of that which needs to be let go of in order that each soul become free.

There are some who will continue to feel hardened to their own inner process of learning and who will deny it in others, and there are some who will feel abused, or humiliated, or attacked, by their very own self and the inner life that is opening. What is important to remember at this time is that what begins in confusion will end in hope. What begins with distress at things that have never been experienced before, will end in a simplicity of being and an expanded space within the self that will bring greater peace and a greater capacity to share oneself with others in a true way. It will also bring, in the end, a greater awareness of God’s love and of God’s gifts to humanity.

All forms of life are moving into this next step of awakened consciousness, and all forms of nature will be affected as well by the increased light of awareness. Yet it is the human being who will be most acutely affected since it is human awareness that is differentiated in the most subtle and complex ways and that responds most to the emotional domain of existence. Nevertheless, all of nature shall respond to this call to awaken, and both plant and animal life shall feel and seem more alive, more vibrant, and more conscious.

This is the miracle of the time we are in and for which all souls have waited, namely, that the life of God that has existed in all beings without exception, shall finally become more visible, and ordinary reality as it exists in trees, brooks, grass, leaves, clouds, air, mist, earth – shall finally take on the visibility of light that has always been part of the structure of life-forms, but never part of their radiance. Now, life shall radiate light.

For those who fear this time, it is important to know that all who are here on the earth have come in order to be part of this great transition, and there is no one who will not be helped with the process by Divine aid as well as by the light of their own soul. The music of that soul shall begin to sound more loudly in the ears and hearts of each one, and each one shall begin to find the inner guidance that will lead them through the newness and uncertainty of this time.

Blessed are those who have come to share in the great awakening of the earth and of human consciousness that is part of the present moment. May all be blessed and may all perceive the true nature of God’s sacred reality as it arrives to bless the earth.


Divine Feminine: Manifesting-Part I

I want to take this in bits and pieces. I’ve really been trying to wrap my mind, body, and soul around the creative forces of Divine Feminine Energy. Knowing I have reached the abyss and taken my leap, my wings seem to be fairing well for the initial launch.

I am highly in tune that the manifestation process keeping the chakras and energy centers open and allowing the energy to freely flow through.

There’s been a sort of lull, as it feels like my conscious self, over the course of a month, has been scattered into a billion little pieces into the cosmos. Not necessarily something I am concerned about, aware that the portal to an enormous paradigm shift has recently been completely opened. It will take time for the Universe, powered by human consciousness begin to shape.

I’ve been extra nurturing and permissive with my time and emotions lately. A myriad of good, bad, wild & exciting, and heart wrenching emotions moving through me. I know in time they will sift themselves out and something never before experienced will have evolved in the process.

Until then, one of my foci, is to be as grounded as I can be. As out in nature and as tuned in as possible. Getting my “Lumber Jill” on the last couple days with my new Stihl chainsaw I bought in the summer. Don’t mess with a woman and her power tools.

Today, was the beginning process of hauling some of my cut wood. I really think it’s going to be a cathartic process over the winter.

My neighbor cut 10-15 trees in his back 40 with the intention of my husband and I turning it all into firewood. I think I see it becoming a source of some very powerful inner work. Stay tuned.

My point, the fresh air….AMAZING!!!! As long as the wind isn’t cold, I am good and I want to be outdoors. At least a little bit! Today was good. Hauled some wood. Raked and swept my back porch.

It’s barely into winter, but tiny tastes of spring are offered. Ideas of what I can be doing now to be preparing for spring outdoor beautifician. I cherish my outdoor work, in spite of my cold toes. Perhaps flipflops were not the best shoe choice.

The warmth of the wood stove and comfort the comfort of some hot tea, my body does a big sigh as I allow it to find rest. Peace for my soul. Grace in the beauty and energy experienced in the Oasis. There is no better communion than a few minutes alone with God and Mother Earth.

The Divine Feminine within me being nurtured to find her voice.

What is divine feminine energy?

(*Sophie Bashford)

Divine Feminine energy is a universal frequency that is the cornerstone of our physical and spiritual existence. It is the vibration of the Great Goddess: the spiritual mother and ultimate life-giver.

Goddess Consciousness is a state of awareness connected to the feminine life force. This is a container for heart and soul wisdom, to natural and divine laws, and to loving, harmonious and peace-enhancing behaviours.

Divine Feminine energy also gives rise to Divine Masculine energy, as it is a ‘home’ or ‘cosmic mother’ for all of creation.

5 steps to begin igniting your divine feminine energy

Feel your Feelings

Many of us expend enormous energy running from our feelings. Emotional connection and release are often portrayed as weak or purposeless in masculine-driven societies.

A disconnection from the divine feminine essence usually harbours a disconnection to emotions.

To unlock divine feminine energies, we need to access, fully feel, and release our feelings without judgement. Stagnant feelings become held not only in the physical body, they are also locked in the ‘spiritual body’. This blockage can restrict the flow of divine feminine energy.

Safe spaces are vital for the process of truly feeling your feelings and releasing deeply held emotions. You may find this safe space with a therapist, a counsellor, a spiritual mentor or a supportive healing circle. You may find it with close friends, however when you first begin processing your deep emotions it can be important to find a place that is professional and/or autonomous. This gives you a ‘container’ that is based on total trust and clear boundaries.

As you begin to allow yourself to fully feel your feelings without judgement, have them witnessed with compassion, and not run from them, the true essence of the Spiritual Feminine can begin to flow through you once again.

Emotions are a source of Goddess Wisdom. By giving credence to your emotions, and honouring them in yourself and others, you are tapping into a treasure chest of long-suppressed spiritual feminine energy.

I embrace the beauty of each day. I know everyday won’t be a happy one, but I do know how to each day make myself happy. This is my freedom of choice and I will embrace my freedoms each day with renewed vigor and renewed commitment to what they stand for.

I move forward with confidence and grace because … Revolution Begins With Me.


Awaken Your Inner Goddess With Your Divine Feminine Energy

Tap into the beauty of your Divine Feminine. Begin to manifest all that you truly desire.

One conscious focus added to my tool box for success over the last year, has been a stronger awareness of the feminine energy within that typically takes backseat to our masculine energy.

While divine masculine and divine feminine energy are equal in value, each offers unique benefits and powers.

Regardless of your gender, you can tap into aspects of both forms of energy and use them to empower yourself to succeed.

However, if you’re female, you have access to a form of divine feminine energy that makes you more intuitive, emotionally aware, self-motivated, and collaborative.

This type of energy will serve you well no matter what your goals – whether you want to find love, follow your best career path, accumulate wealth, or simply become happier.

But what do you need to do to access this energy?

In this article, we’ll first explain what divine feminine energy actually is, and how it differs from masculine energy. Then, we’ll help you tap into your own feminine energy today, with seven effective practical techniques.

By harnessing and using your distinctively female power, you prime yourself for success and to become your very best self.

What Is Divine Feminine Energy?

What Is Divine Feminine Energy?

There’s a balance of masculine and feminine energy within all of us.

So, what do we mean when we talk about feminine energy?

This is the energy of intuition – the kind that comes from your gut, and from your heart.

It is also the energy of interpersonal connection.

It gives rise to empathy, to sensuality, and to receptivity.

When we are full of this energy we tend to gravitate toward the path that is most emotionally fulfilling for us.

Feminine energy fosters strong, intimate, and nurturing bonds with other people.

It promotes self-compassion and self-love as well.

The Difference Between Divine Feminine And Masculine Energy

The Difference Between Divine Feminine And Masculine Energy

Masculine energy is also very valuable, and we all need the aforementioned mix of the masculine and the feminine energy.

Masculine energy differs from feminine in that it is linked to ambition, striving, asserting, and persisting.

So, this sort of energy helps us stay resilient in the face of obstacles.

It can also gives us the momentum we need to reach our highest goals.

However, when we have an excess of masculine energy, we can become excessively goal-focused and lose our sense of connection.

This can not only lead to shallower relationships but also to becoming out of tune without ourselves and our own needs.

The Divine Feminine Qualities

  1. Emotional driven, not purpose-driven
  2. Intuitive, not logical
  3. Internal energy, not external energy
  4. Flexibility, not strength
  5. Collaborative, not competitive
  6. To be, not to do
  7. Create and add graphic

How To Connect With Divine Feminine Energy

Now we have an understanding of the difference between feminine and masculine energy, let’s talk about how you can facilitate a divine feminine awakening.

Here are seven techniques you can start practicing today if you want to increase feminine energy and unleash the goddess within.

Connect To Divine Feminine Energy With Pranayama Breathing

Connect To Divine Feminine Energy With Pranayama Breathing

Pranayama is an ancient breathing technique that can immediately help you tap into your feminine energy.

It helps you to fully inhabit your body, to experience the present moment and to feel the deep connection you have with the universe.

To practice pranayama (sometimes called ‘moon-piercing breath’), first find a comfortable place where you will not be disturbed.

Relax your body, and touch your thumb and middle finger to the space between your eyebrows – this is the space that represents your third eye, or the seat of your intuition.

Next, close your eyes, and press down on your right nostril with your thumb so that when you breathe in, you do so through your left nostril only.

Then, swap over, pressing down on your left nostril as you breathe out, so that you exhale through your right nostril only. Practice this sequence at least twenty times, and notice how you feel.

Connect To Divine Feminine Energy With Movement

Connect To Divine Feminine Energy With Movement

Feminine energy is a kind of energetic kinetic energy.

Moving your body will always help you connect with your femininity.

Any form of movement will work here.

For example, you can use yoga or any form of dance.

Feminine energy is often described as being like the wind or the ocean, as it is constant motion and forever changing.

If you want to awaken your inner goddess, chakra dancing is one of the very best movement techniques you can use.

To practice chakra dancing, light several candles, and turn off the lights. Put on a piece of music that makes you feel connected to your emotions, and close your eyes.

Then, dance in whatever way feels most natural to you.

There’s no set movement or style you need to use – this exercise is all about getting in tune with melody and feeling, and letting your body express your responsiveness.

Connect To Divine Feminine Energy With Journaling

Connect To Divine Feminine Energy With Journaling

As we noted at the outset, you tap into – and build – your feminine energy when you connect with your feelings and intuitions.

Journaling is a great way of practicing self-expression.

It can also facilitate emotional healing by helping you to process emotions and experiences.

If you feel like you don’t know how to journal don’t worry.

Set a small, manageable goal like writing a page (or even half a page) at the end of the day.

You can outline what you’ve experienced, or you can choose just to capture a meaningful moment that resonated with you.

If you’re already experienced at journaling and are looking for ways to build your feminine energy, challenge yourself to dig deep into one feeling in each entry.

Where did you feel it in your body? What triggered it? If it was a color or a shape, what would it look like? What does it inspire you to do?

Connect To Divine Feminine Energy With A Sacred Space

Connect To Divine Feminine Energy With A Sacred Space

Creating a sacred space is a wonderful way to prepare a meditation area or a place to journal.

If you think about it, you already have experience in creating sacred space.

You do it every time you sink into a candlelit bubble bath or make your living room beautiful for a dinner party.

This technique is just a new way of activating and strengthening that skill.

Cleanse the space by using a smudge stick or palo Santo stick.

If you don’t have one of these, you can walk around the room with a white candle, starting from east to west. As you move, say “I cleanse this space of all that is not mine.”

Then, choose an item for the space that represents each element – perhaps another candle for fire, a stone for the earth, a feather for air, and a bowl of water. Add your own further items that make the space feel comfortable and unique.

Connect To Divine Feminine Energy With Mudras

Connect To Divine Feminine Energy With Mudras

Mudras are hand gestures that you can use to shift your energy towards the divine feminine.

A particularly powerful one is the Yoni Mudra, which helps to calm your thoughts.

To adopt this gesture, hold your palms together and point the fingers downwards.

Then, open up your palms into the shape of an inverted triangle – image the thumbs as the stabilizing base of that triangle.

Finally, flip your middle finger, ring finger, and little fingers so that their backs touch.

At this point, you should be pointing your thumbs upwards a little.

While the Yoni Mudra emphasizes peace, the Kali Mudra is about using your feminine energy for power and change.

It is named after the destructive and creative goddess Kali.

To adopt it, lace your fingers together and plant your left thumb on top of the right thumb.

Then, straighten your pointer fingers, touch them together, and point them straight ahead.

Connect To Divine Feminine Energy With Self Love

Connect To Divine Feminine Energy With Self Love

Consistently and diligently practicing self-love is perhaps the very best technique for increasing the divine feminine energy inside you.

This means not only learning to love your body but also learning to love your soul – flaws and all.

Self-love is about recognizing your unconditional value, and about expecting others to recognize and respect that too.

We all struggle with this, especially if we were raised to associate our worth with our looks or our successes.

One thing you can do to build self-love is to practice self-compassion meditations.

Just close your eyes, breathe deeply, and take a few minutes to center yourself.

Then, repeatedly recite an affirmation like “I love and accept myself for everything I am” or “I embrace my power and my divine feminine energy.”

You can use any statement you like, as long as it supports self-love and respect.

Connect To Divine Feminine Energy With Sexual Energy

Connect To Divine Feminine Energy With Sexual Energy

As we noted at the outset, divine feminine energy is also innately sensual.

One way to tap into this is to perform another kind of movement session, allowing yourself to really move your hips and dance as seductively as you can.

It’s also important to address the negative lessons you may have internalized about sexuality.

Women are often shamed for female sexual energy.

Be conscious of whether you tend to shut down your own sexual thoughts.

Make a habit of letting them in, of being curious enough about them to follow them wherever they lead.

Divine Feminine Quotes To Awaken Your Inner Goddess

devine feminine quotes

“When you feel you are being moved by the creative spirit, you are in fact being moved by the divine feminine.”
– Teri Degler

“The deep Feminine, the mystery of consciousness, She who is life, is longing for our transformation as much as we are.

She holds back, allowing us free reign to choose, nudging us occasionally with synchronicities, illness, births, and deaths… But when we make space for Her, she rushes into all the gaps, engulfing us with her desire for life and expression.

This is what She longs for, this is what we are for: experiencing the Feminine through ourselves.

We simply need to slow down and find where to put our conscious attention.

And it is this, this willingness to look again, this willingness to put consciousness onto our places of unconsciousness, to express what we have always avoided, which starts the process of unblocking, so that She may flow through.”
– Lucy H. Pearce

“Women are emotional in order to feel the divine energy at the highest levels and be supreme healers and lovers and mothers. Not to drive men insane. Her deep spiritual connection to feelings is to inspire a man to his spiritual heights as well. She is an oracle.”
– Raja Khan

“Vulnerability is the most transformative, life-changing and life-affirming aspect of the Divine Feminine”.
– Freya Dwyer

“If we can rediscover in ourselves the hidden beauty of this receptive devotion, if we can learn how to be still without inaction, how to ‘further life’ without willed purpose, how to serve without demanding prestige, and how to nourish without domination: then we shall be women again out of whose earth the light may shine.”
– Helen M. Luke, The Way of Woman. Awakening the Perennial Feminine

Awaken Your Female Energy Through A Kundalini Activation Hypnosis

Now that you have started thinking about the role divine feminine energy plays in your happiness and well-being, perhaps you’re ready to practice further techniques that help to build that energy.

Kundalini yoga is a liberating form of yoga that taps into the spiritual and sexual elements of our feminine power.

In particular, it helps to remove blockages that might stop you from engaging with your Shakti. However, for Kundalini yoga to work for you, it’s necessary to be in the right mindset.

Something to explore further on another day. For now, I am allowing the thoughts on feminine energy to take seed and begin to sprout.

It is in returning to that which is natural, that which is orderly and symbiotic with Mother Earth will balance be returned to humanity. Right now, today, perhaps the best thing we can do is to just sit and ponder the moment we are living in.

Sit solid in whatever emotions arise. Allow them to come to the surface. Allow them to be experienced. Don’t run from whatever discomfort might be brought up. but rather breathe into that space. For each day we allow ourselves to do just that, each day the burden we carry will become lighter.

For now, and for always, Namaste.

Putting My Cape Back On

Let the Sculpting Process Commence! My own personal science experiment!

The Sunday before the BIG DAY! Not something I dread, rather something I embrace with new excitement and raw vigor, especially at the beginning of a new year. Jumping into a new workout routine, workout program in January, a natural part of my cycle.

My actions now, setting the tone for the year out ahead, so I like to start strong. I like to start focused. Moving with purpose. A distant goal, wrapped in multiple layers of smaller just as significant goals, that will become the stepping stones to my final masterpiece.

It has to do with the fact my out door life has quieted down for a few months. These winter days meant for more inward, deep searching, stretching, challenging growth. Allowed to fully blossom with the coming of the spring.

So this year, certainly more than any other, I look forward to beginning my new year, embracing my annual inward search for life giving energy. Any more, it’s gotten to be a pretty fascinating process for me to observe. Typically doing so, in more of a 3rd person vantage point, yet highly in tune to what is happening to my physical being in the process.

Embrace your fear! Step through it!

It truly does become a transformation. A donning of my cape if you will, and acknowledging my super hero abilities. We all have them. I’m not special in that way. What sets me a part has been my almost incessant search for higher levels of vibrational energy. That to me is the food that makes me human. That to me is the purpose for me being a live. To feel alive! And I refuse to settle for anything less.

God made me a little rebellious with a purpose. All you reading this who know me and are shaking your head “Yes!”, you know. You know exactly who I am. The person within who likes to challenge the status quo.

Well, this year, my motto is “Go Big or Go Home!” I’ve been talking my talk for many years now. Many good friends humoring me, most thinking she’s only just talk, but others knowing, “This girl is going to do all she has said she would and more.” That is just how I am wired to be.

Now its time to take this trail to its new beginnings. 2021, a year to make Dreams Become Reality! Clear your mind of any negative thoughts! Be the vessel of clear love-giving energy.

Be the Change! Feel Fabulous! Take Back Your Own Life! Renew Your Spirit! Feel Alive Again! Be Rebellious! Be Free! Be a Winner! Manifest! Set your intentions!

I know what I’ll be doing! Workouts begin tomorrow! Time to get back in alignment and raise the vibration!

Namaste my friends!

It’s About the Energy

A super hero lies within each and everyone of us!

It was obvious from birth I was different from most my age. Weighing in at 9 lbs. 15 oz. and 23 inches long, I was big.

Not stopping there, I continued to grow, until I was 5′ 9″ and 11 years old. Not remarkably tall for an adult woman, but awkwardly tall at that age.

It wasn’t only my height that set me apart though. It was my brain and the way it functioned, received, and processed data.

Aware I was always a visual learner, it wasn’t until adulthood and the birth of my oldest son that I really began to analyze the lenses I used to look at the world.

Knowing we were painfully similar at times, I began searching out answers to nurture his gifts at a really young age.

Energy…powers the world!
What type of energy will you contribute?

The word “energy” started presenting itself in many formats. One that would become a constant in my life as a mother, was “Your son is extremely high energy! He’s non-stop hyper. His mouth is never silent.”

Yes!! This was all quite accurate, but buried deep within that hyperactive, uniquely verbal, unsilencable tornado was a highly intelligent, profoundly gifted child. It became my mission to seek out ways for him to best be understood, and the other 3 children that followed as well.

In my early years, especially as a nurse, I had bought into the whole ADD/ADHD diagnosis. Now I know many of the psych diagnosis are only there to help Western medicine physicians categorize and medicate phenomenon that don’t make sense in this unnatural world.

Time, and critical nurse analysis, have caused me to come to the conclusion its not the individual that is “disordered,” its our society.

Our society is so out of balance with its natural order, that these children, and adults, who were born more tuned into their natural environment, are out of rhythm, out of sync with the false paradigm orchestrated around us.

I knew I was going against the grain back then, but I set out with a new intent. To raise my children so that society DOES NOT strip them of their spirit’s and the spiritual gifts bestowed upon them.

That conscious decision as a young adult has completely altered the way I look at life. I began to turn more inward, to my unique extraordinary self.

I DID see things differently, and having gone through a period where I had healed significant childhood scars, even more ENERGY was bestowed upon me.

It became my life’s high, seeking out opportunities where I could get that solid self-gratifying energy rush.

I knew a primary source was caring for others; my patients, their families, my children. People would ask how I could do what I did, give so freely from my heart, and my response was, “I do it for selfish reasons.” Because doing so makes me feel better.

Flash forward 30 years, and my initial discovery of “energy” has grown exponentially. Now it has other words I may use to describe it; chi, Prahna, Holy Spirit, ect. The life force that truly makes us human. The life force that is purposefully being drained from humanity. (But that’s a whole other article.)

Any more, at my age, absolutely everything I do, and all that I see is “energy” focused.

Decades ago, gradually leaving the world of 3-dimensional living, moving more directly into a 5-dimensional paradigm, with my visual acuity the strongest in the non-physical realms. Frequencies of higher consciousness that many might argue aren’t even real, I am capable of seeing as clear as any sun-filled day.

Consciously knowing that all I do is focused on cultivating and harvesting energy. In other words, living in the world of art and creativity. Whether its gardening, writing, crafting, nurturing a pet or family member, exercising. All that I do ends with the result of positive energy generated. And, in doing so, keeps me on a positive upward growth curve.

Knowingly, those skills and talents had been focused on my own self-healing, and that of my family for quite some time.

Last year, the first year to break that cycle. All “energy” generated was poured into my new creative sense of being, knowing my day to step up on a bigger platform was almost at hand.

The by-product of years of tending my fields for their best harvests paying off. There was nothing but bright lights and wide open spaces out in front of me.

I see this as no chance coincidence, the vision I had always shared with my sons, “We will be climbing above, when everyone else has fallen,” having come true. Though, never could I have imagined it so literally. Yet, I know God has prepared me for this time.

My Light within emitting more radiance than it ever has. The power of that energy just beginning to make itself known.

It’s all in the “Energy”. Staying aware of it, and moving it in the right direction. The time for me now … to take it over the top!

I know I have crazy talents lying dormant within me. The truth is, the majority of us do. The truth is the majority of us will never discover the great wealth we carry within because we’re so busy chasing material wealth, the novelties in 3-dimensional living.

A new paradigm has opened though. A new vision of the planet beginning to take shape. Each day more and more individuals waking up to that which has lied dormant within for a lifetime.

I move forward … my heart calm, my soul at peace, knowing inside me lies the power to change the world … and the drive to do so. I step out into the new year, 2021, filled with strength, courage, and grace. Time has come to step into myself because … Revolution Begins With Me.


It’s About the Energy

A super hero lies within each and everyone of us!

It was obvious from birth I was different from most my age. Weighing at 9 lbs. 15 oz. and 23 inches long, I was a big new born.

Definitely not stopping there, I continued to grow, and didn’t stop until I was 5′ 9″ and 11 years old. (I won’t mention my weight, but it is the same as I weigh now.) Not remarkably tall for an adult woman, but awkwardly tall at that age.

It wasn’t only my height that set me apart though. It was my brain and the way it functioned, received, and processed data.

Aware I was always a visual learner, it wasn’t until adulthood and the birth of my oldest son that I really began to analyze the lenses I used to look at the world.

Knowing we were painfully similar at times, I began searching out answers to nurture his gifts at a really young age.

Energy…powers the world!
What type of energy will you contribute?

The word “energy” started presenting itself in many formats. One that would become a constant in my life as a mother, was “Your son is extremely high energy! He’s non-stop hyper. His mouth is never silent.”

Yes!! This was all quite accurate, but buried deep within that hyperactive, uniquely verbal, unsilencable tornado was a highly intelligent, profoundly gifted child. It became my mission to seek out ways for him to best be understood, and the other 3 children that followed as well.

In my early years, especially as a nurse, I had bought into the whole ADD/ADHD diagnosis. Now I know many of the psych diagnosis are only there to help Western medicine physicians categorize and medicate phenomenon that don’t make sense in this unnatural world.

Time, and critical nurse analysis, have caused me to come to the conclusion its not the individual that is “disordered,” its our society.

Our society is so out of balance with its natural order, that these children, and adults, who were born more tuned into their natural environment, are out of rhythm, out of sync with the false paradigm orchestrated around us.

I knew I was going against the grain back then, but I set out with a new intent. To raise my children so that society DOES NOT strip them of their spirit’s and the spiritual gifts bestowed upon them.

That conscious decision as a young adult has completely altered the way I look at life. I began to turn more inward, to my unique extraordinary self.

I DID see things differently, and having gone through a period where I had healed significant childhood scars, even more ENERGY was bestowed upon me.

It became my life’s high, seeking out opportunities where I could get that solid self-gratifying energy rush.

I knew a primary source was caring for others; my patients, their families, my children. People would ask how I could do what I did, give so freely from my heart, and my response was, “I do it for selfish reasons.” Because doing so makes me feel better.

Flash forward 30 years, and my initial discovery of “energy” has grown exponentially. Now it has other words I may use to describe it; chi, Prahna, Holy Spirit, ect. The life force that truly makes us human. The life force that is purposefully being drained from humanity. (But that’s a whole other article.)

Any more, at my age, absolutely everything I do, and all that I see is “energy” focused.

Decades ago, gradually leaving the world of 3-dimensional living, moving more directly into a 5-dimensional paradigm, with my visual acuity the strongest in the non-physical realms. Frequencies of higher consciousness that many might argue aren’t even real, I am capable of seeing as clear as any sun-filled day.

Consciously knowing that all I do is focused on cultivating and harvesting energy. In other words, living in the world of art and creativity. Whether its gardening, writing, crafting, nurturing a pet or family member, exercising. All that I do ends with the result of positive energy generated. And, in doing so, keeps me on a positive upward growth curve.

Knowingly, those skills and talents had been focused on my own self-healing, and that of my family for quite some time.

Last year, the first year to break that cycle. All “energy” generated was poured into my new creative sense of being, knowing my day to step up on a bigger platform was almost at hand.

The by-product of years of tending my fields for their best harvests paying off. There was nothing but bright lights and wide open spaces out in front of me.

I see this as no chance coincidence, the vision I had always shared with my sons, “We will be climbing above, when everyone else has fallen,” having come true. Though, never could I have imagined it so literally. Yet, I know God has prepared me for this time.

My Light within emitting more radiance than it ever has. The power of that energy just beginning to make itself known.

It’s all in the “Energy”. Staying aware of it, and moving it in the right direction. The time for me now … to take it over the top!

I know I have crazy talents lying dormant within me. The truth is, the majority of us do. The truth is the majority of us will never discover the great wealth we carry within because we’re so busy chasing material wealth, the novelties in 3-dimensional living.

A new paradigm has opened though. A new vision of the planet beginning to take shape. Each day more and more individuals waking up to that which has lied dormant within for a lifetime.

I move forward … my heart calm, my soul at peace, knowing inside me lies the power to change the world … and the drive to do so. I step out into the new year, 2021, filled with strength, courage, and grace. Time has come to step into myself because … Revolution Begins With Me.
