Laugh. It Can Only Make Life Better.

Levity and laughter feels like the best answer for me to cut the intensity I am feeling right now. Ready for tomorrow’s election to be over.

Growing up in Minnesota, Charles M. Schultz, Minneapolis native, famed Charlie Brown and Snoopy cartoonist, was a favorite to many.

This included Sister Christa, the principal at the small Catholic school I attended. She herself an artist, always had new drawings of Charlie and his gang outside her classroom, along with her own humor and words of wisdom.

In honor of her and Charles M. Schultz. I will remember NEVER to take life too seriously! It is certain to work itself out in the end.

For all the runners out there…You’re multi-tasking!
For all those out there who share these thoughts…me, I’ll eat my chocolate and then head to the gym.
Remember … this to will pass!

Happy Monday to all! Keep a smile on your face, laughter in your heart, and keeping moving forward.

I will … for Revolution Begins With Me