Next Steps … Manifesting

Creativity means removing the restraints that society and self have placed upon ones psyche. The fire to create comes from the soul. From a place of letting all that you are come to the surface to view in a beautiful previously unknown form..

Writing my 1st book, The Advocate, however, was somewhat of a different process. It was an undertaking of going deep within and dredging up horrific events, horrific unnecessary events I had witnessed as a nurse. And, facing the hideous demons and what had happened to my life while in a culture of darkness. Cathartic to write, to say the least.

A critical care nurse, and good at what I did, especially when it came to interaction with family and friends of my patients, typically sedated or unconscious and on ventilators because of severe illness or trauma. My gift was a connection with spirit, my patient’s spirits, an innate part of me I hadn’t analyzed at the time.

Writing this book became the time for me to connect with my spirit, and as someone who had gone through a traumatic event, to heal through the process.

The book finished over seven years ago. Having had secured an agent three years prior, directing me on how to really bring my story to life. Very sound advice I was given. She had stated it would be “the hardest thing you’ve ever done.” I knew that wasn’t true. Living it had been.

Once complete, I was left in an enormous liminal space. Not the person I was before I started the book, no idea who I was as it was finished. Left in countless little pieces. Unaware of what I was meant to become. Still uncertain now, but my feet have finally found solid ground.

My three sons, as young children, had lived through experiences that would make them more aware of themselves and the world around them as adults. Evolving into strong, solid individuals because they knew what it was like to be in dark times and survive. Coming out more confident and courageous than they could ever have imagined.

Climbing out of the darkness together, I had told them, “We will rise above as the rest of the world is falling.”

Aware my visions always came true, but sometimes in ways my mind, living on a physical plane, previously couldn’t comprehend. In March, when the corona virus shut down the planet, my family in the most solid place, as a whole unit, it had ever been, my words of over a decade ago struck me with great awe. I could never have imagined their meaning being so literal.

Our summer spent enjoying life more fully than we ever have, especially my young daughter and I. Making memories that will last a lifetime. Opportunities coming to us that had never been provided. All the while in between, enjoying the splendor we had spent the last 6 years creating in our country Oasis.

For me, it has been a year of celebration. A year of culmination of the decades of sacrifice and healing. A year of looking at all the pieces of self I had decided to salvage, and after placing them back together, marveling at what was created. In the end, becoming a year of returning to spirit (FINALLY).

My year’s “harvest” in. All the magnificent and glorious energy created over the months, it becomes time to return to reflection and inner contemplation.

With my daughter on track with her home school 9th grade year. I find myself asking, what are my “next steps”?

I know the answer. I knew it was coming. I began to sense it last fall. I had a very strong feeling a year ago now, “Your life will never ever be the same.” Living each moment fully. soaking it up, knowing tremendous evolution was underway.

The people who knew of my writing and my book, long ago tired of asking me when I was going to publish. My response always being, “Soon. I will know when the time is right.” Well, that time has finally come.

My “next steps” are presenting themselves. I know the process of what I need to do. Not because I’m proficient at publishing, but because I’ve gone through the blueprint once, realizing at the time that writing and publishing were two separate entities, and that at the time, I wasn’t ready. But, I have been preparing for this day mentally ever since.

Cognizant it is a process. A process that begins with one simple step. And as beautiful as the Universe is, that first simple step came to me in word form this morning from a fellow bloggers post.

“Take up one idea. Make that idea your life. Dream of it, think of it, Live on that idea. This is the way to success.”

My idea is to publish. It will come in baby steps and increments. But for certain, it will come. For the moment is now … and Now is for manifesting.

Life is too short … it’s time to turn visions into reality … for The Revolution Begins With Me.